Saturday, October 12, 2013

Rain Rain Go Away!

The past few days have soaked the Montgomery County area. This large downfall has wrecked havoc with a recent clean up and mulching. Even though we made 4 inch edges around the beds the amount of water that fell carried the mulch out of the beds. Of course we returned as soon as the weather broke to rake up all the mulch and replaced it in the beds.

Other issues we have encountered are areas that have recently been seeded - the seed has been washed away. Or the ground becoming so soaked a tree fell over destroying a Japanese Maple. My ornamental grasses and many others through out the County have fallen under the heavy pounding. And the many calls of standing water and the request for solutions.
If you would like our help please fill out our free estimate request form or call:


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Over-Seeding is broadcasting about a pound of seed per thousand square feet onto an already established lawn.

Golf courses over-seed in the Spring and Fall. You need only over-seed in the Fall to replace any grasses that have died over the year.

Nature does its own over-seeding at the end of summer when the grasses drop their seed. However your lawn is cut regularly so that the grasses do not go to seed. You must perform this renewal for your lawn or it will slowly depopulate.

Over seeding when done in conjuction with Aeration gives you the best results.

...For more Lawn Tips